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nest 意味

発音記号:[ nest ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: nested   動詞 過去分詞: nested   名詞 複数形: nests   動詞 現在分詞: nesting   



  • she has been baiting the hook for an entire nest .
    彼女は巣の為に 釣り針に餌を付けて来た
  • there's treasures down .in the whalesquids' nest .
  • he's decided to leave the nest . fly off on his own .
    彼は巣から飛び立つ 決意をした
  • know that soon you'd want to leave the nest .
    すぐに ここからから出て行こうと するだろうと
  • if you don't hurry , those fireballs will nest !
    早くしねえと あの火の玉が巣食っちまうぞ
  • to the outer edge of the nest mound and leave them there .
  • the bark beetle carries the wood to its nest ...
  • then the nest maintenance workers work inside the nest
  • then the nest maintenance workers work inside the nest
  • to visualize an eagle , go to an eagle's nest !
    ワシの影分身を やるまでになるとはのぉ。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a kind of gun emplacement; "a machine-gun nest"; "a nest of snipers"

  • furniture pieces made to fit close together

  • a gang of people (criminals or spies or terrorists) assembled in one locality; "a nest of thieves"

  • a cosy or secluded retreat

  • a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young

  • Verb
  • gather nests

  • move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position; "We cuddled against each other to keep warm"; "The children snuggled into their sleeping bags"
    Synonyms: cuddle, snuggle, nestle, nuzzle, draw close,

  • fit together or fit inside; "nested bowls"

  • inhabit a nest, usually after building; "birds are nesting outside my window every Spring"

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