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  • "Lucy, don't hit your brother." "He hit me first!"〔母→子〕
  • ルー     ルー red (fr: roux) redhead
  • ちゃ     ちゃ 茶 tea
  • たら     たら 鱈 codfish cod (Gadus morhua) 多羅 Tara The Deliverer, the Saviouress
  • ダメ     neutral point《囲碁》
  • でし     でし 弟子 pupil disciple adherent follower apprentice young person teacher's
  • しょ     しょ 諸 various many several
  • 始め     始め はじめ beginning start origin
  • にぶ     にぶ 二部 two parts two copies the second part
  • たん     たん 反 roll of cloth (c. 10 yds.) .245 acres 300 tsubo 歎 grief sigh lamentation
  • もん     もん 問 problem question 門 gate 紋 (family) crest coat of arms
  • ちゃん     ちゃん suffix for familiar (female) person 瀝青 asphalt bitumen
  • 始めに     始めに はじめに to begin with first of all in the beginning
  • たんだ     たんだ 単打 one-base hit 短打 (baseball) single
  • 兄ちゃん     兄ちゃん あんちゃん (1) older brother sonny (with a nuance of suspicion) lad
  • お兄ちゃん     お兄ちゃん おにいちゃん cute form of "older brother"
英語→日本語 日本語→英語