- come in several scores of varieties
- 何十 何十 なんじゅう several tens
- にも にも also too not... either as well even
- 及ぶ 及ぶ およぶ to reach to come up to to amount to to befall to happen to to extend to
- ぶ ぶ 分 rate part percentage one percent thickness odds chance of winning
- 何百万にも及ぶ run in the millions
- 何十種類もの魚 dozens of species of fish
- 何カ月にも及ぶつらい治療の間 during the months of painful medical treatment
- 何カ月にも及ぶ手間のかかる治療の間 during the months of painful medical treatment
- 何カ月にも及ぶ討論の末に after months and months of debating
- 何世紀にも及ぶ~に関する対立 centuries-old dispute over
- 何千ページにも及ぶ証拠書類 thousands of pages of evidence
- 何年にも及ぶたゆまぬ努力の末に after years of strenuous efforts
- 国境を越えて他の国々にも及ぶ reach across borders to other nations
- _平方キロにも及ぶ要さい fortress encompassing __ square kilometers
- 2000年にも及ぶ宗教上の著作が、昨日焼失した Two thousand years of religious writings went up in flames [fire] yesterday.