memory 意味
- memory n.
(1) 記憶, 記憶力; 追想, 回想, 思い出; 遺名, 遺徳, 死後の名声.【動詞+】- I hope a new happy relationship will banish the memories of the bloody past.
- The shock seems to have blacked out all memory of the events of the night.
- Of all the senses that of smell has the greatest power of calling up ancient memories.
- Visitors to Venice carry away pleasant memories of trips in the gondola.
- “Do you remember the woman's name?"―“I'm sorry, it entirely escapes my memory."
?その女性の名前を覚えていますか??ごめんなさい, すっかり忘れています?
- You say you've never seen him in your life? Let me jog your memory.
生まれてこのかた彼を見たこともないと言うんだな, それじゃお前の記憶を呼び起こしてやろう
- His generosity is sufficient to keep his memory green, even if he was no genius.
《文語》 天才などではなかったとしてもその広い心だけで, 彼の思い出は人々の胸にいつまでも鮮明に残っている
- The trip has left such haunting memories of those good times that I long to go back again.
- To my wife I owe many happy memories of discussions about this book.
- It is time the memory of this important figure in theatrical history was revived.
- Something about his smile sparked my memory and at last I remembered who he was.
彼の微笑の何かが私の記憶を刺激し, ついに彼がだれであるかを思い出した
- When tourists leave our state, they take their memories and leave their money.
観光客が私たちの州を去るとき, 思い出だけをもっていって金は残していく
- The amount these children have to learn severely taxes their memories.
- This scholarship has been established to venerate the memory of our first principal.
《文語》 この奨学金(制度)は初代学長の遺徳をしのんで設立されたものである
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】- Way back in the ancestral memory of mankind there is something which makes us fear outsiders.
人類のはるか昔の先祖の記憶の中には, われわれによそ者を恐れさせる何かがひそんでいる
- The kind and pleasant treatment given to me there will always remain a cherished memory with me.
《文語》 滞在中私の受けた親切で楽しいもてなしはいつまでもなつかしい思い出として心に残るでしょう
- My first memory of Thailand is of sprightly children beside a canal.
- He scoffed at analogies made between computer and human memories.
- The islanders have long memories and are not likely to forget what happened here during the war.
その島民たちは昔のことをよく覚えていて, 戦争中にここで起こったことを忘れそうにはない
- His eventful past is a storehouse of pleasant memories which enrich his days of humdrum routine.
- His memory will be sacred to us as that of a scholar of high ideals, a wonderful teacher and a kind friend.
《文語》 故人は理想の高い学者, すばらしい教師, そして親切な友人として敬慕されるだろう
- Most of the public has a selective memory: they remember what they want to remember.
一般大衆の大部分は対象を選んで記憶する. つまり人々は自分たちの覚えておきたいものを覚えている
【前置詞+】- The look she gave me at that time may live in my memory for the rest of my life.
- I was caught up in the pain of memory as her face flashed before my eyes.
- He emphasized that regular experiences would etch their marks on an infant's memory.
- Within the memory of living men, nothing like that had ever happened.
【+前置詞】- He remembered a less crowded rural society that was already becoming a memory for most American grandparents.
(2) (コンピューターの)記憶装置, 記憶, メモリー.【動詞+】- While it is easy to expand memory, it is hard to increase the capacity of the processor.
メモリーを拡張することは容易だが, 中央処理装置の能力を増すことは難しい
- The more sophisticated software becomes, the more memory it requires.
- Since the BIOS and video memory took up 360K of memory, only 640K was left to run programs. BIOS
(バイオス)とビデオメモリーが 360K (キロバイト)も占めてしまったので, プログラムを走らせる余地は 640K しかなくなってしまった.
【形容詞 名詞+】- computers whose disk memory is small enough to be carried in a handbag but contains the equivalent of more than one thousand books
ハンドバッグに入れて持ち運べるほど小さいながらも 1,000 冊以上の本に相当する情報量を収めるディスクをもったコンピューター
- The memory above the 640K MS-DOS limit can be used as extended memory. MS-DOS
の 640 キロバイトの制限を超えるメモリーは拡張メモリーとして使用することができる
【前置詞+】- The program is RAM resident and occupies less than 900 bytes of memory.
そのプログラムは RAM (ラム)に常駐し, 900 バイト足らずのメモリーしか取らない.
- I hope a new happy relationship will banish the memories of the bloody past.
- as a memory 記念に
- in memory 記念に[として]、追悼して
- in memory of ~の記念{きねん}に[として]、~を追悼{ついとう}して、~の記憶{きおく}の限り They built a statue in memory of a general killed in the war. 戦死した将軍を記念して、彫像がつくられた。
- on memory 《コ》オンメモリ
- to the memory of ~をしのんで
- memory-to-memory instruction メモリ間命令{かん めいれい}
- abiding memory 長く残る記憶{きおく}、思い出
- acoustic memory 音響記憶{おんきょう きおく}
- acquisition of memory 記憶{きおく}の獲得{かくとく}
- add on memory
- add-in memory add-in memory 増設メモリ
- add-on memory アドオン?メモリ
- additional memory 増設{ぞうせつ}メモリ
- affect memory 情動記憶{じょうどう きおく}
- aid memory 記憶{きおく}を助ける
- it can cause memory loss , mood swings , aching joints .
記憶喪失や うつ病の原因 - maybe even play with the contents of that memory ?
操作したり出来ないかと 考えたのです - and so it's now a memory of an apparition , actually
今では幻影の記憶になっていますが - an even more extreme kind of memory problem .
さらに危険な「記憶」を 目にするようになりました - nausea , vertigo , memory loss , mental fog .
物忘れ 頭に霞がかかった ような状態が続きました - nausea , vertigo , memory loss , mental fog .
物忘れ 頭に霞がかかった ような状態が続きました - the executive portion helps contextual memory be developed
連想記憶を発達させる - he had a terrible memory . too much lsd , i suppose .
酷い記憶力でな LSDのせいだ - he had a terrible memory . too much lsd , i suppose .
酷い記憶力でな lsdのせいだ - with ginsan losing his memory in an accident and
<新八:事故で 記憶をなくした 銀さんと➡
- Noun
- an electronic memory device; "a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached"
Synonyms: computer memory, storage, computer storage, store, memory board, - the power of retaining and recalling past experience; "he had a good memory when he was younger"
Synonyms: retention, retentiveness, retentivity, - the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered; "he can do it from memory"; "he enjoyed remembering his father"
Synonyms: remembering, - something that is remembered; "search as he would, the memory was lost"
- the area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes; "he taught a graduate course on learning and memory"