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  • 1. past tolerance
    2. provoked beyond endurance


  • Even a small matter will cause one to run out of patience immediately .
    ちょいとしたことでも すぐに 堪忍袋の緒が切れて
  • Even a small matter will cause one to run out of patience immediately .
    ちょいとしたことでも すぐに 堪忍袋の緒が切れて
  • Before you got kicked out for whaling on a gym teacher with a chair .
    「ジムのコーチの堪忍袋の緒が切れて、 いすごとたたき出される前にな」
  • He finally loses patience with yohei after yohei is violent with his wife and daughter , and he cuts yohei off .
  • However , in recent times that bag of patience has been getting smaller so even a small matter will cause one to run out of patience immediately .
    [tv] ところがね 最近は その我慢の袋が 小ちゃくなっちゃって ちょいとしたことでも すぐに 堪忍袋の緒が切れて
  • However , in recent times that bag of patience has been getting smaller so even a small matter will cause one to run out of patience immediately .
    [tv] ところがね 最近は その我慢の袋が 小ちゃくなっちゃって ちょいとしたことでも すぐに 堪忍袋の緒が切れて
  • However , in recent times that bag of patience has been getting smaller so even a small matter will cause one to run out of patience immediately .
    [TV] ところがね 最近は その我慢の袋が→ 小ちゃくなっちゃって→ ちょいとしたことでも すぐに 堪忍袋の緒が切れて
  • However , in recent times that bag of patience has been getting smaller so even a small matter will cause one to run out of patience immediately .
    [TV] ところがね 最近は その我慢の袋が→ 小ちゃくなっちゃって→ ちょいとしたことでも すぐに 堪忍袋の緒が切れて
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